About Us
"Causes" Foundation

The main objectives of the Foundation are:
- Creating conditions and programs for children and youth with disabilities integration;
- Create opportunities for children and young people for complete development and to gain social, creative and professional skills;
- Acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience among young entrepreneurs and SMEs to build entrepreneurial skills and active participation in the processes of the market economy.

Nikolay Georgiev
Project leader and consultant “Business Development”
Nikolay Georgiev is a Master in Accountancy and Control for the Academy of Economics - Svishtov. He has additional qualifications in International Finances from the International Bank Institute – Sofia. Since September 2007 is certified consultant in corporative social responsibility from United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and works for the International Programme for Sustainable Development in Bulgaria. Since then he is external evaluator of project under the EU programs in Bulgaria.
Nikolay is a consultant in Youth Entrepreneurial Marketplace from the very beginning of the initiative

Marina Stefanova
Project Menager and consultant “Entrepreneurship”
Marina Stefanova is Master in Law from Sofia University with additional specializations in International Law and Public Administration, specialist in English Law and EU Law form the Cambridge University (UK), additional qualifications in Company Management, Administrative Management and Structural Funds Project Management. Since 2016 she holds a PhD degree on Social Governance in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski". Her experience as an entrepreneur begins in 2003 when she registers Advocacy Agency Strategies. Till the beginning of 2011 she manages and two foundations – Blagodeyatel and Kauzi. Marina is consultant in Youth Entrepreneurial Marketplace from the very beginning of the initiative and is co-author of Step Forward – Manual of the Young Entrepreneur.

Justine Toms
Consultant "Marketing"
Master of Humanities from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Expert on online media, online marketing, web design and computer training.
Business Development Director at abcbg.com. Work actively on the Safer Internet for Children.

Srebrina Efremova
Project Menager
Bachelor in Journalism and Master in European Public Administration from Sofia University. Has additional qualifications in Structural Funds Project Management and is a certified consultant in corporative social responsibility and ISO 26000. PR expert and Informational Services expert of Youth Informational and Advisory Center “Kauzi” (2012-2013), she leads trainings and provide individual consultations on topics identified as important for the young people.

Bilyana Kamburova
Coordinator "Projects and Communications"
Master of European Project Management and Sociology Bachelor in NBU. Her main responsibilities are to provide communication and coordination of project information campaigns and coordinates the work of the experts.